The Create Virtual Account endpoint allows you to create a virtual account for a customer in Argentina. This account facilitates transactions and financial activities within the country. To create a USD Virtual account, you need to provide the Customer ID and st currency to USD in the POST Request.
POST {{baseUrl}}/business/virtual-account/create
Request Body
The request body should contain the following parameters:
customer_id (required): The unique identifier of the customer for whom the virtual account is being created. This identifier should be in UUID format.
currency (required): The currency in which the account will operate. It should be set to "USD" (United States Dollars).
Example Request
POST {{baseUrl}}/business/virtual-account/createContent-Type: application/json{"customer_id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","document_id":"A23E4567","document_type":"CUIT","currency":"ARS"}
Upon successful creation of the USD Virtual account, you will receive a response with the following structure:
{"status":"success","status_code":200,"message":"Request successful","data": {"message":"Virtual account creation in progress" }}
Error Handling
In case of errors, the response will include an appropriate status code and an error message detailing the issue.
Example Error Response
{"status":"error","status_code":400,"message":"Request failed","data": {"message":"Invalid document type provided" }}
Additional Notes
Ensure that the provided document ID and type are accurate and valid.
The currency parameter is required (ARS).
This documentation should guide developers on how to effectively utilize the Create Argentina Virtual Account endpoint to create virtual accounts for customers in Argentina.