Single crypto deposit history

Endpoint: /crypto/deposit-histories/:id


The /crypto/deposit-histories/:id endpoint allows businesses to retrieve detailed information about a specific cryptocurrency deposit transaction. This endpoint is useful for viewing the status, amount, and other details of an individual deposit.

Request Method

  • GET /crypto/deposit-histories/:id

Path Parameter

  • id: The unique identifier of the deposit transaction that you want to retrieve.

Response Fields

  • transactionId: The unique identifier of the deposit transaction.

  • amount: The amount of cryptocurrency deposited.

  • currency: The type of cryptocurrency (e.g., BTC, ETH).

  • status: The current status of the deposit (pending, completed, failed).

  • walletAddress: The cryptocurrency wallet address to which the deposit was made.

  • transactionHash: The blockchain transaction hash associated with the deposit.

  • createdAt: The timestamp when the deposit transaction was initiated.

  • updatedAt: The timestamp of the last update to the transaction's status.

  • confirmations: The number of blockchain confirmations the deposit has received.

  • network: The blockchain network on which the transaction was conducted (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum).

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